Gleny Rae Virus and the Playboys with Archer

By mpickles, 26 September, 2018
North Arm River Poster


Gleny Rae Virus and the Playboys with Archer.

North Arm Cove Community Hall is supporting and promoting local musician Gleny Rae Virus and her top musician Playboys along with Archer – old time song singer at the Cove on Thursday November 22 2018.


Gleny is a local farmer from Cooloongalook and has been one of the main initiators of the Karuah Blue Grass Festival. She is also a music teacher for Hunter Performing Arts and  is recently a National and International performer with gigs all over Australia and Nashville.

This November she is starting her Diggin tour and CD promotion at North Arm Cove with Archer  and we hope to have a crowd of locals from the area to enjoy a night of a range of music.

The program will be starting at  6pm with Archer taking the stage and sharing some of his hold time songs.

Break at 7 pm to grab a bite to eat and a drink. Light Refreshments will be on sale.

7:30 Gleny and Archer and the Playboys will start their lively session which is scheduled to end around 9 pm.

Gleny Rae Virus brings a special vibrance and humour to the stage, and wonderful musicianship with her bandmates and top class pickers Robbie Long, Pete Fidler and Sam Martin. Archer is like an old-world Bollywood movie star; he lives his art and his life is a song. He goes to great lengths to find old songs and write timeless melodies. He sings up the land and its people, its animals and robot machines. He has been flat out touring nursing homes and ice-cream shops and gutters and fancy national and international venues. If you went out into the middle of nowhere you would most likely find him lying under a rock writing a song about a lizard.

Come prepared to enjoy the music and share this community event with local international artists.

Only $15.00 if you buy a ticket online, kids are free or $20 at the door.

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