Have you noticed our website has changed?

By bobreid, 15 March, 2020

Our resident website maestro Doug Kohlhoff recently upgraded the website. 

It has a new and simpler menu system, with six menu main categories now all located on the top of the screen, and the sub-menus found by hovering your mouse over these six.

But more importantly, the website has been optimised for mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. When you access the website with a mobile device, the website will automatically resize itself so that the text is the correct size for reading on the mobile device - magic! No more trying to read content that is tiny and hard to read.

There is also a "contact the committee" form under the NACCAi sub-menu that you can use to send an email to the committee - just fill it in and answer the maths question to send the email.

Doug, thank you for doing this upgrade and for the huge effort you put into maintaining and improving the website. We really appreciate it.



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