How To Upgrade To First Class At No Cost On Your Exercise Travel Around The World

By garysylvaney, 16 November, 2020

Exciting news. If you haven't tried my suggestion for enhancing your home-based exercise utilising youtube  videos titled “Virtual Walking” or “Virtual Cycling”, see "Yesterday I Cycled Along the Beach of Palm Cove inTropical North Queensland,Today I Am Walking Through Monte Carlo and Tomorrow the Cotswolds In The UK.”

We can now enhance this experience greatly. By chance I happened on “Travel Guide to……..”. Whilst mostly of shorter duration, around 10 to 20 minutes, the content is exciting and compelling viewing.

Each video in high definition takes you to the most popular sights in the location you have chosen with an audio description of what you are seeing. So, think of a location, add it to “Travel Guide to…….. “ and be amazed as you improve your health and longevity prospects in a fun and safe ( no cars, brown snakes, mozzies or weather to worry about) way.

Happy Day To All

Gary Sylvaney

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