MINUTES OF NACCAi OGM held 10th February 2024

By BruceKerryHead, 4 April, 2024


Please find the minutes of the  NACCAi OGM held on the 10th February 2024. We encourage everyone to read these minutes to see the latest updates relating to matters concerning OUR COVE . 

We understand that not everyone who is a member of NACCAi can attend all our meetings, however we encourage you all to try and make time and support us with your attendance. We need your support and encouragement to keep pressuring MCC regarding roads, drainage, signage, park maintenance an upgrades, illegal dumping, illegal structures and fences being erected on non-urban blocks, a boat ramp for NAC, AND THE LONG-TERM PLANNING for all non-urban blocks in the NAC and Carrington area.

These are matters of concern that have ALWAYS plagued life in NAC. If we don't keep pressure on MCC we will never achieve most of these items listed above. 

All the various support groups need your help and contribution to survive. The Hall committee needs new volunteers to assist with Coffee in the Cove, the NAC RFS is always on the lookout for new and younger members to assist, The Garden Group is always looking for new members and the Tennis Support Group needs more participation on court , to pay for the maintenance of the fantastic courts we have at our doorstep.















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