Open Invitation Fire and Evacuation Drill Community Hall - Sat 18th Jan

By Jim Parnell, 10 January, 2020

An Evacuation and Fire Drill for the residents of North Arm Cove will be held at the Community Hall  on Saturday the 18th of January at 10 am.

All residents are invited to attend.

*  We will be seeking and appointing Fire Wardens.

*  Demonstrating how the Fire Protection and generator at the Hall work.

* Reviewing stores held at the Hall.

*  Identifying and discussing evacuation of sick and elderly.

John Aaltonen, Captain of North Arm Cove R.F.S., will be in attendance. if not
required elsewhere.

If you or you know people that need assistance in time of emergency - Please come along
or contact us.


Jim Parnell
President NACCAi

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