
By janiner, 29 August, 2021

We received our MidCoast Council rates last week. The way the Council calculates the rates has changed. The process is called rates harmonisation and will be phased in over the next 4 years.

The total amount of rates that Council collects is pegged by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal. This year, Council is allowed to collect an extra 2%. Our rates went up 1.8% so I guess the harmonisation process had minimal impact.

It was interesting that the amount charged for Domestic Waste went down $25, Waste Management went up $45.85 and the Residential Coastal part went up by $15.79. So the bulk of our increase was in the Waste Management fee.

Our biggest personal saving was from the successful challenge to the Valuer Generals valuation last year. This resulted in a credit of $311 for last year and reduced our rates by a similar amount this year and will do so again next year. However, by 2023 we will have a new valuation from the VG and we will then have to decide whether the new valuation is realistic. Recent residential sale prices in our area have been very high and I suspect we will be paying much higher rates in 2023.


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