Sharing Rooftops with ChatGPT

By Darrall Thompson, 14 May, 2023

Have a look at this interview last month with an Aussie scientist Saul Griffith: ... he started Rewire America and now he's back in Oz starting Rewire Australia... suggesting communities can actually be the key to the future. So I asked ChatGPT for a strategy for our village:

My Question to ChatGPT: North Arm Cove is a small village on a peninsula with 340 private households, median age of people is 56, no town water or sewage system, has nbn and electricity and a Community Hall (with rooftop solar), Community Garden. Could you suggest a Step by step strategy for how we could do a pilot to rewire our village so that we can all share our rooftop solars across the village? 
ChatGPT Answer (came through in one second):
Implementing a pilot project to rewire your village and enable the sharing of rooftop solar energy is an excellent initiative. Here's a step-by-step strategy to help you get started:

1. Form a working group: Establish a dedicated working group consisting of community members interested in renewable energy, including individuals with technical expertise, community leaders, and representatives from the Community Hall and Community Garden.

2. Assess the feasibility: Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the technical, financial, and legal aspects of rewiring the village for solar energy sharing. This study should consider the compatibility of existing solar systems, electrical infrastructure, regulatory requirements, and potential cost savings.

3. Engage the community: Hold community meetings, workshops, or information sessions to raise awareness about the benefits of rooftop solar sharing and the pilot project. Encourage residents to express their interest and address any concerns or questions they may have.

4. Conduct a solar energy audit: Collaborate with a professional solar energy consultant or an electrician to conduct an audit of existing solar installations in the village. Assess the capacity, output, and condition of each system to determine their suitability for sharing.

5. Develop a rewiring plan: Based on the audit results, work with the technical experts in your working group to design a rewiring plan that outlines the necessary infrastructure and modifications required to enable solar sharing. Consider factors such as cabling, metering, inverter capacity, and safety requirements.

6. Seek funding opportunities: Research and apply for grants, subsidies, or funding programs that support community renewable energy projects. Local government bodies, energy providers, and environmental organizations may offer financial assistance or incentives.

7. Collaborate with energy providers: Reach out to local energy providers and discuss the possibility of partnering with them to enable solar energy sharing. Explore potential collaborations, such as net metering programs or feed-in tariffs, which can facilitate the transfer and redistribution of surplus energy.

8. Obtain necessary approvals: Ensure compliance with local regulations and obtain any required approvals or permits for the rewiring project. This may involve liaising with relevant authorities, such as local government bodies or utility companies.

9. Pilot implementation: Select a small section of the village to serve as the pilot area for the rewiring project. Install the necessary infrastructure, including meters, inverters, and wiring, to enable the sharing of solar energy. Test the system thoroughly to ensure its reliability and safety.

10. Monitor and evaluate: Monitor the pilot project's performance, including energy generation, consumption, and savings. Gather feedback from participating households and address any technical issues or concerns that arise. Evaluate the economic and environmental benefits to assess the viability of expanding the project to the entire village.

11. Scale up and expand: If the pilot project proves successful, develop a plan to expand the rewiring initiative across the entire village. Secure additional funding, engage more residents, and work with local authorities and energy providers to implement the project on a larger scale.

Remember that this step-by-step strategy serves as a general guideline, and the specific details may vary depending on the unique characteristics of your village and local regulations. It's crucial to involve the community throughout the process and collaborate with experts to ensure a successful pilot project.

The Community Hall only has a few panels but that could be expanded to cover those who can't afford their own rooftop solar or live under too many trees.
If anyone is interested in Chat GPT Step 1 get in touch 0402 598 610 

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