There is still time to provide feedback on our draft local community plan

By bobreid, 5 June, 2022

Feedback on our draft North Arm Cove and Carrington local community plan is slowly coming in.

For those readers that have already provided feedback, thank you.

If you haven't yet read the plan and provided feedback please do so. 

I have attached a copy of the draft plan and a feedback form to fill in. The form has details on how to lodge it.

This plan will be very important for our communities for lobbying Council and Government authorities on what we value and need, and it will also be very useful for lodging grant applications for improving community infrastructure and services.

The report can be downloaded from the link below, and printed copies can be read in the Cove Coffee shop. Printed feedback forms have been placed in all letterboxes, with copies included in this months edition of Cove News, and copies also placed under the Community Centre pergola and in the Cove Coffee shop.

So please, read the draft plan and give us your feedback. Even if you think the draft is perfect and you can't suggest any changes, please let us know that. The more feedback we get, the more valuable the report will be.

Feedback can be lodged up till next Sunday 12 June.

We would like to thank all residents who read the plan and provide feedback – it is much appreciated.



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