Turkeys in the Cove!

By bobreid, 20 May, 2022

When I say the turkeys are now in the Cove I am not talking about our Federal politicians - even though they are behaving about a bunch of turkeys (or perhaps headless chooks)!

I am referring to the good ol' Australian Bush Turkey. In my 3 decades of living in North Arm Cove, including countless hours exploring our local bush, I have never seen a bush turkey here. I have seen lots of them in Sydney where they now are spotted all over the suburbs.

Yet this morning there was one scratching around in our yard and digging up our garden looking for juicy morsels. It was a big male, much bigger than the ones I have seen in Sydney.

Perhaps the turkeys are also escaping the rat race, and moving to a better life in the MidCoast like many others have!

If you would like to know more about bush turkeys, click on this link - bush turkey


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