Update on the Community Plan

By bobreid, 30 August, 2020

Unfortunately Sarah Wilkinson from MidCoast Council was unable to attend the NACCAi meeting on Saturday due to illness, so she sent me the following by email as an update on what's happening with the Community Plan:

The North Arm Cove and Carrington community are currently being invited by Council to come together to develop a plan for the future. It’s an opportunity to share what you love about where you live and your ideas to make it even better, which will be documented in a Local Community Plan.

The plan will be developed and owned by the community, with support from Council, including assistance in the process and advice to ensure the plan is reflective of the whole community and is as effective as possible.

Because a draft Plan has already been put together in North Arm Cove, this first engagement process is a chance to ensure that all ideas have been put forward and seek interest from people to join the Steering Group. The Steering Group will be responsible for leading the process for developing the plan. Anyone interested needs to complete an Expression of Interest form on the Council website.

Postcards will be distributed this week, to each resident and land owners in the North Arm Cove/Carrington area. This will include three questions for people to provide feedback on. These questions can be completed on the postcard and dropped into the NACCAi letterbox or on the Council website.

There is also a Kitchen Table Conversation kit, which uses the same questions, to gather the collective feedback from local groups. The kit is available on the website to download and includes instructions on how to do it.

The website will be available from 1 September and closes at the end of the month. The link to this is www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/LCP

If anyone would like to have a chat about the local community planning process, Sarah is happy to answer questions. Email sarah.wilkinson@midcoast.nsw.gov.au or call 02 7955 7236




3 years 10 months ago


Has anyone received "postcard" from Council related to this consultation?

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