Picnic Tables at Heros Beach

By mpickles, 24 July, 2019

Residents and friends are invited to vote for funding and installation of picnic tables at Heros Beach.

Voting closes 15 August. Please vote on the NSW My Community website. Lets Picnic at Heros Beach.


In 2014 NACRA completed an extensive project to upgrade the Heros Beach area, the project had strong support from the community and was sucessful in gaining approval from Council.

Heros Bay Management Plan Approved

schWed, 26/02/2014 - 9:50pm The Management Plan for Heros Bay Reserve came before yesterday's Council Meeting. The report showed that 56 submissions were received, 43 in favour of development,and 13 against. It contained the following recommendations for development :- a pathway natual playground; additional plantings; improved drainage works; picnic/BBQ facilities; dinghy racks; no public toilets; no leash-free area. Council voted unanimously to approve it. The recommendations basically reflect those items that people who responded to the Heros Beach survey saw as important. Now that the Plan is approved, we can set about finding the money to start up-grading this important Reserve

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Super easy to do, especially if you already have a Service NSW Login. Please get behind this Great Project. We have a lovely Public Resource that is not easily accessible and conducive to our Local Residents range of mobility. Please Help make this a place everyone can enjoy.