Giving back to our firies

By mpickles, 9 December, 2019


NACRA members have provided $1000 towards essential fire equipement for the local fire brigade as a donatin of thanks from the community for the hard work so far and what looks to be a continuing battle over summer. Jim Parnell President and Lyn Mckee Treasurer presented the donation to John Aaltonen.

Our brigade members have been very busy volunteering with other brigades over the last 2 months in protecting property and working to reduce the fires, Our brigade has 10 members and is looking for volunteers. In November they completed six 12 hour sifts and this month five 12 hour shifts, in addition they have attended to local call outs for fires and accidents.

John said he appreciated the donation which is a first from NACRA. 

Funds have been raised by NACRA through the recycled bottes and containers gathered once a month by Lyn Mckee and increased numbers of members.



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This is, by far, the most important day of my time with our Community Association. I have thoroughly enjoyed the "Bottle Drive"
Thank you to Elizabeth Hall for the fantastic suggestion at the December Meeting, to pledge a Donation to support the RFS. I especially appreciate David Crawford for pointing out that we could make our Donation directly to our local North Arm Cove Brigade. Thank you to everyone present for voting with their hearts to make this happen.
Thank you to Maria Pickles for setting up our Meeting the very next day.
The amount of $1,000 has been transferred to the brigade account where they can benefit from every cent, right now. John said that Radio/Communication Equipment is a Brigade Expense that this money could certainly help with.

Our Certificate of Appreciation that we presented read...
"The Community of North Arm Cove pledges a donation of $1,000 to express our acknowledgment of the risks you all take as Members of the Rural Fire Service. We sincerely appreciate and are grateful for your extraordinary service and dedication to the protection of our Community & other Communities further afield."


4 years 6 months ago

It's not the first, but it probably is the largest single donation from the Association to the local brigade. During my time as treasurer there was a smaller yet still significant donation to the brigade and the Association's past financial contributions and focused fund-raising efforts date back all the way back to the 1970s when the Brigade was being established.  Our local brigade has always been a worthy recipient of such donations and the support of the Association. The average annual cost of just keeping the Association afloat currently stands at around $930. That means the Association always has to look to fund raising initiatives beyond membership fees if it wants to make donations like this or invest in local projects. Fortunately fund raising efforts over the decades have not only kept the Association afloat but they have facilitated the delivery of many of the services and facilities we enjoy today. That's a big thank you for the efforts of all the committees and Association members for their contributions over the past 50 years and more.

Well said Kath. As a relatively new Villager (5 years in March) I certainly enjoy the fruits of the hard work Volunteers have sweated over before me. I salute every single one of you and Thank you, most sincerely