Results of Special Resolution Vote

By bobreid, 10 August, 2020

The electronic ballot for the NACCAi Special Resolution to replace the existing constitution with a new constitution was held from Friday 17 July to Friday 7 August.

To oversee the integrity of the voting process, Sarah Wilkinson from MidCoast Council acted as returning officer. Ms Wilkinson has advised that she has “full faith that the outcome is in line with all appropriate requirements under the Act.”

A major benefit of the electronic ballot was that all members could easily participate in the vote without having to go to a meeting.

Out of 95 members eligible to vote on the resolution, a total of 53 members voted. This was a much higher participation rate than what was achieved for the special resolution vote last December.

A special voting arrangement was implemented for the one member who did not have email access. Two reminder emails were issued to those who were yet to vote prior to close date.

The results of the vote were: Yes - 48 votes (91%), No - 5 votes (9%). 

Since the 91% yes vote was over the 75% minimum requirement by the Associations legislation,the special resolution was passed by members.

The next step is for the Committee to lodge the new constitution to the Department of Fair Trading for approval, and the new constitution then becomes our legal constitution upon approval.

A big thank you to those that voted. It will be nice to finally put this issue to bed.


3 years 11 months ago

Above and Beyond.

Many congratulations, Bob and team, for bringing to a successful conclusion the restoring of cogency and coherency to the dysfunctional administrative structure you inherited. Most impressed by the methodical approach to each individual facet of the problem and the continual attention to detail. On a personal level it has achieved resolution of all matters of concern to me at the start of the year, far exceeding my expectations.

Again, my thanks,


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