Wanted - community feedback on Heros Beach upgrade plan

By bobreid, 27 September, 2024
Heros Beach draft upgrade plan

We would like your feedback on the community developed draft plan for upgrading the Heros Beach reserve.

This request arises from MidCoast Council notifying us late last year that it had allocated $157,000 from a Federal Government grant for upgrading Heros Beach.

Following this grant NACCAi formed the Heros Beach subcommittee to review the existing decade old upgrades plan, prepare a draft revised upgrade plan and consult with the North Arm Cove community on their proposed upgrades.

This draft upgrade plan has been completed, and a copy can be downloaded at the bottom of this article. 

At the 21 September NACCAi ordinary meeting the subcommittee convenor Bryan Stevenson released the plan for feedback from North Arm Cove residents, and subsequently provided the following report on how the plan was developed:

“The plan was developed knowing that there is a sum of money allotted for works- but that this was not to be a limiting factor in our planning.

The subcommittee reviewed the community feedback taken some years ago re Heros reserve. All this feedback was reviewed, discussed and the subcommittee’s feedback was spreadsheeted to cover off each suggestion. 

The subcommittee unanimously agreed that we should maintain the reserve with as little change as possible.  We believe the reason those that come to North Arm Cove, either to live or holiday; do so seeking the natural surrounds that the Cove ‘does so well’.  

The centrepiece of the design is to merge what are now separate areas into one large, turfed space that flows to the beach and creates one unified reserve space that extends along the length of the Heros Beach. This would be achieved by blocking off the circular road at either end of the reserve. We have chosen to block this off via the use of bollards or gates so that on the odd occasion such as Australia day; or when access is needed for emergency vehicles or utility services, this can be accommodated. 

This will mean all the small timber barricades that run along the beach, as well as the northern part of the reserve can be removed. The central part of the reserve that has been used as a parking area for many years will need to be aerated as it has become very compacted over this time. Then turf can be laid to conjoin with the existing northern area to create one large open recreational space; fringed by the beach with plenty of natural tree shade.  

We have proposed some additional seating facing the beach for people to enjoy the sunset and a drink, or to watch kids in the water. We also have proposed another picnic table in the central space and upgrade to one of the existing. Parking will be at the top of the reserve space where the entry road ends (about 8-10 spaces) and a graded disabled / elderly walking track winding down along from the northern end of the car park. 

We believe this will enhance Heros Reserve into a real natural recreational haven and the plan will enhance the spacious feel. Removal of access to the lower section will ensure the area is safer for children; it will also assist in deterring unauthorised camping which has been an issue in recent years. Removal of the timber barricades will enhance the perception of the beach and reserve being one. 

Overall, Heros retains its current natural appeal while the updates will bring it more in line with being a reserve rather than a mish mash of picnic space and ad lib parking. Environmentally, a well turfed central space will aid in soaking up heavier rainfall overflow and cars removed from travelling along the beach foreshore can only assist in reducing erosion activity.”

We would like to hear what North Arm Cove residents think about this draft plan, so we would be grateful if readers could review it, answer the following three questions on it, and email your answers to naccai@northarmcove.nsw.au by 19th October 2024.

  1. What do you like about the plan?
  2. What don’t you like about the plan?
  3. What changes would you like to see on the plan?

Your feedback will be reviewed by the subcommittee and taken into account in producing the final plan, which will then be submitted to MidCoast Council for implementation.

Filed under

Overall, I agree with the proposed design of the park except for a few minor modifications.

  1. I would like to see the disabled access from the carpark to the beach clearly defined. 
  2. I would like a second access, perhaps with steps, to go to the grassed area under the carpark.
  3. Sufficient open space should be left for ball games/beach cricket/Australia Day races.
  4. The carpark as shown could be doubled in size by having parking on both sides. If on one side only, carparking on the residential side of the road  would be better, ie on the east instead of west.
  5. Carparking spaces should be at right angles to the access road, not at the angle shown.
  6. This plan makes it much harder to launch a carry-on sailing vessel such as a small sailing vessel, kayak, sailboard or paddle board. This loss of amenity needs to be weighed against the benefits of keeping cars further away from the beach. Perhaps there could be a pathway for wheeling/carrying small watercraft from the carpark to the beach.
  7. The picnic tables should have a cover like the one at Yallawah Park.

A few considerations around the draft plan for enhancing Heros beach reserve.

Given the $157,000 grant for capital works improvements, it would be good to understand how the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of any expanded lawn areas will be managed.

Whilst the concept of creating a more unified space is plausible, I think careful consideration needs to be given to impeding water access, so to not further restrict use of the public facility, particularly for recreational watercraft including sailing, PWC, windsurfers and kayaking. Easy and adequate access to the beach for small trailers and watercraft is imperative, given the lack of alternatives throughout the Cove. 

Considering the already limited public access to the waterfront within the entire Cove area, further reductions to accessibility imposed by the draft plan may be interpreted as elitist and not encompassing the wider community, and limiting any manoeuvrability space for vehicles launching watercraft is detrimental to the concept of enhancing the reserve for all uses. A compromise may be to extend road access to the beach on the Southern side of the reserve, at the end of the existing road, with retention of an adequate unloading/turning space.

When we consider that the reserve rarely sees more than a few vehicles at any one time, even in high holiday periods like the October long weekend, there are no pressing safety issues to be mitigated, and any erosion caused by infrequent vehicular use of the current area is minimal, perhaps this is a less restrictive option to incorporate in to the draft plan.

I’d also propose that the funding would be better utilised serving to enhance the reserve with installation of barbecue and toilet facilities, given the Community Centre is the only option throughout the Cove. Installation of lighting will enhance security and deter inappropriate behaviour. 

For special community celebrations such as Australia Day, the road could again be temporarily closed to allow for the abnormally larger crowd, yet not permanently disadvantaging those who wish to continue to enjoy the wonderful Cove waterways.