The subcommittee report below was prepared by Len Yearsley, Chairman of the NACCAi Fame Cove Sub Committee.
For some 17 years, Len and the other members of the subcommittee having been working with MidCoast Council and the State Government to take action over the illegal clearing and environmental destruction carried out on the 400 hectare waterfront property on the eastern side of the North Arm Cove estuary, between Bundabah and Fame Cove.
The photo below shows the boundaries of this property. As you can see, it is a very large property, much bigger that the area encompassing the North Arm Cove village, and it can be easily seen from the Cove Boulevard side.
This has been a very complex process with frequently one step forward and two steps backwards. Hopefully with the December 2024 Land and Environment Court judgement, the property owner Tea Gardens Farms, will now either complete the court ordered restoration, or sell the property to a body that will.
On behalf of our community, I would like to thank Len and his subcommittee for the huge effort they have put into this fight over a very long period. I would also like to thank MidCoast Council for its perseverance in the complex legal proceedings, and for spending significant money on legal costs.
Without the effort put into this by the subcommittee and MidCoast Council we wouldn't be where we are now.
The critical thing now is to hold Tea Gardens Farms to account, and make sure that the orders in the judgement are followed.
Subcommittee report
On 16 January the Fame Cove subcommittee met with Adam Matlawski (MidCoast Council Manager Development Assessment and Building Certification) to discuss the 5 December 2024 Land and Environment Court Judgements and Penal Notice against Tea Gardens Farms for the restoration of the clearing and environmental damage to its Fame Cove land.
Our local member Kate Washington MP was unable to attend this briefing due to the widespread damage from the previous night’s storm, so she made a special trip to NAC and met with the subcommittee on 24 January.
Kate has been a long-time supporter of our subcommittees aim to prevent the uncontrolled development and non-compliance by Tea Gardens Farms and the action taken by MidCoast Council to ensure compliance with the 2021 Land and Environment Court Orders requiring restoration of environmental damage which had not been complied with by the developer.
Further information on the court orders can be found in this link: Fame Cove Land Campaign Moves a Step Closer | NAC Community Website
Given the planning rezoning proposed for this property from Rural RU2 to Environmental Conservation C2 (one level below that of a National Park) which would prevent any development beyond the existing four lot subdivision, there are indications Tea Gardens Farms may be preparing to sell this property.
As we have been advised by the previous Environment Minister Mat Keen and senior National Parks officers that there is a strong and ongoing interest in this property that has both aboriginal and early settlement historic significance as well as very high environmental and wildlife values.
It is the last remaining parcel of undeveloped waterfront land of this size ever to become available in Port Stephens and would be a wonderful asset with tourist and cultural potential on the northern shoreline of Port Stephens where there is no significant National Park or tourist attraction.
Kate has agreed to carry our request for this land to be considered by National Parks and is to arrange a discussion with the current Environment Minister Penny Sharp as soon as possible.
Len Yearsley
Facilitator and Chairman Fame Cove Sub Committee NACCAi
Thanks for all your efforts…
Thanks for all your efforts Len