14th Port Stephens Dolphin Census highest since 2010

By mpickles, 26 May, 2014

13 April 2014 Dolphin Census

The longest running dolphin census count in Australia is conducted each year in Port Stephens. Each year several residents in the Cove man an observation point for 30 minutes. No sightings were reported near North Arm Cove.

However 105 dophins were sighted in the Port Stephens area which is the highest number since 2010 and higher than the average of 90. Most were sighted off Tomaree Head (25) Nelson Bay Marina (14) and Shoal Bay (14). 4 Calves were sighted as well as turtles and two ospreys.

The number of volunteers was lower than in previous years, and only three boat operators participated.

The large swell may have contributed to the numbers sighted within the bay. The Census is a one off count and indicates an increase in the number dolphins however a more detailed study by Maquarie University found that there are about 100 dolphins living in Port Stephens.


The full report provides graphs of the census from 2001 to 2014,

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