Aussie Clean Up 2023

By mareli121, 5 March, 2023

Well, we had 12 souls front up for the Sunday morning. A pleasing turn out but down on numbers from last year. A great effort from all participants resulted in a great big pile of rubbish which can be found behind the community centre.    There were walkers picking up along the main access road to North Arm Cove. Gooreengi Road was attacked heroically by Pat Brennan but we lacked the numbers to go too far along. There were others cleaning piles in the back and non urban areas using a trailer and 4wd. Two piles were left by non urbanites and these were picked up. In general there was less rubbish than last year – a good thing in itself – possibly due to the tracks being more difficult to negotiate, being rutted out as they are due to the rain we have had. It seems dumpers took the easy way out by dumping extensively at the end of Gooreengi Road where the old main road to Karuah was. We didn’t attend to that mess and are leaving it There was nothing picked up of any interest in itself. Less tyre dumping than previous year was noted.

I am so pleased by the effort all volunteers put in for the for the big clean up – a great deal was achieved.

A special mention is made to those that pick up rubbish during the year.   

The Council machinery operators do a great job in removing the collected rubbish promptly, so many thanks to them.  

The pile at the community centre gets bigger every year – Darrall, Phillipa, Trish -  Front row – Pats, Terri, Bill, Jon.

Missing Are Pat Brennan, Lyn, Grant, Nigel, and Lola the dog which quickly formed the opinion that this was too much like really hard work.  


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