Changes to Tree Preservation Orders - an alternative

By mpickles, 8 February, 2019

Changes to Tree Preservation Orders Update

Mid Coast Environmental Group have put together a document which outlines key factors Council should consider in developing an environmental policy particularly in reference to the rescinding of Tree Preservation Orders.At the meeting of MidCoast Council on 6th February 2019, and has presended a petition asking Council to commit to undertaking genuine community consultation regarding tree and native vegetation protection, before amending the current Development Control Plan (DCP).

AA DRAFT Tree and vegetation policy for MCC 6 Feb 2019 at 0502_SG internet.pdf

There is also a complex gap in responsbilities for residents on removing trees once the Tree Preservation Orders are rescinded. Most councils are in the process of modifying existing or adopting new tree and vegetation DCPs to address legislative shortcomings and complexities associated with the new legislation. This will be aided by the release of a model vegetation DCP by the NSW Government shortly.

Statutory Gap in Tree Preservation.pdf

If you would like to add your name to a petition by MEG asking Council to commit to undertaking genuine community consultation regarding tree and native vegetation protection, before amending the current Development Control Plan (DCP) please send your comments to and I will send them on.






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