CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA | MARCH 2019 | When Rubbish Is Gone - Nature Can Carry On

By mareli121, 18 March, 2019

Many thanks to those 25 souls who came along to the 2019 North Arm Cove Clean Up Australia event on the weekend of the 2nd  and 3rd of March.  We all are also grateful to those that pick up through the year, even though they can’t make it on the day. It was a fine day and a fine turn out.

Jennie and I left it to the last weekend to meander around the area thinking that this year was going to be easier with not so much obvious rubbish around.......WRONG!

This year was typified by many small piles of rubbish dotted everywhere with a general spread along Gooreengi Way and Market Way / North Arm Cove Road. A large pile of household rubbish was found near Beauty Point near a 40ft container/squatter cottage there.  

On the Saturday the Carter / Anderson team showed up and scoured the foreshore between Medina Bay and Baromee Point around to the end of the Esplanade. Tyres were the main culprits otherwise - just general flotsam. It wasn’t an easy task so thank you all.

My admiration goes to Pat Brennan who took it upon herself to start on Gooreengi Way for the Saturday afternoon filling bags up with litter just from the west side of this road. Having exhausted herself that afternoon she came back for more on the Sunday morning. She is the hero of the weekend, and must be totally covered with Koala stamps. Sad to say her efforts were insulted the following Monday by a philistine leaving takeaway remnants in the same area.

Sunday morning saw vehicles and trailers in profusion, so everyone went out to their designated areas after signing in. The Hann/Brennan team heroically completing Gooreengi Way, the newly formed Easton Team really doing the miles with the Market Way/ North Arm Cove clean, which was a bit beyond the pale for first timers but they bounced back smiling.   

 With a convoy of 4WDs and a large tip trailer the ‘keen clean team’ comprising of John, Jennie, Karl, Tim, Michael, Maria, Adrienne and esteemed guest, Reinhilde, who came all the way from pick up rubbish around Beauty Point environs...well not really, but her enthusiasm was appreciated by all. It took hours to clean this pile. I hear it was left under unfortunate circumstance, but this was too much of an eyesore to be ignored. That did mean other sites were unattended that day. Nearby there was a full porta loo left full by campers at the point, the onerous and odourous task of disposal, which Karl kindly attended to, can no further be elaborated on as this is a family article.     


The Moller team cruised around the north east areas, and came back with many bags and larger items – another great effort. They reported of a site with many tyres further into the bush. Not sure what we can do about that – any suggestions? Tyres do fill with water and breed all sorts of nasties.   

There wasn't anything particularly unusual found this year to comment about, just boring rubbish mainly. Three cars have been found and a 1800mm diameter reel of telstra cable is still there from last year. I will get onto Council about that. Speaking of which, at the end of the day this was the largest pile ever and I am sure we all agree Council and the machinery operators do a great job in removing the spoils promptly.







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