CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA | MARCH 2020 | When Rubbish Is Gone - Nature Can Carry On

By mareli121, 4 March, 2020

Many thanks to those 12 souls who came along to the 2020 North Arm Cove Clean Up Australia event on the 1st of March. I take off my hat to those that routinely pick up rubbish throughout the year,

A sunny Sunday morning saw vehicles and trailers in profusion, after signing in, everyone keenly ventured out to their designated areas. There was a mixture of tasks - roadside pick up and attending to larger piles on and around the tracks where philistines are keen to dump and avoid tip fees. The roadsides were relatively clear this year but there were enough bags of rubbish collected to show that a yearly clean up Is a necessity.

For the first time we had some interest from Carrington residents - Christine and Steve who picked up a few bags worth out their way two weeks earlier. Look forward to them participating next year.

Most of the rubbish dumps were north west of Market Way and Carrington Road (North Arm Cove access road). There are others to the east but we couldn't get to some of those. Not so much rubbish in the Beauty Point area as last year.

I can't think of anything unusual that was collected in the rubbish this year, all quite boring really. Some years things crop up, initiating some sort of curiosity. There was just mediocre junk this time. Tyres always are present, because they are quite expensive to dump legally. Same for mattresses.

I would like to point out that in his own quiet way, Peter Chappelow has been walking the length of Gooreengi Way picking up rubbish for Clean Up Australia for how many years now?

So that's it for this year, and thanks to the Mid Coast Council for picking the rubbish up as usual.

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