Do Not Use Tweezers for Tick Removal!!

By janiner, 24 October, 2017

In the last few years the recommended method for tick removal has totally changed. Do not use tweezers, metho or kerosene. Don't disturb the tick as this will squirt allergen into you!

Avoidance of tick bites is the best option.

This involves “dressing for the occasion” and the use of repellents.

If you are bitten by a tick, kill the tick where it is:

For small ticks (larvae and nymphs), use permethrin cream (scabies cream available at pharmacies) &

For adult ticks, freeze them with an ether-containing spray (available at pharmacies).

Wait for the tick to drop off or remove it taking the utmost care to not compress the tick (as this will squirt allergen, toxin and possibly infection into you).

And remember, household tweezers are tick squeezers!  "Freeze it, don't squeeze it"!

There are many reasons to avoid tick bites. A new phenomena known as mammalian meat allergy was only first described 10 years ago by Professor Sheryl van Nunen. My husband Bob ended up spending a night in the Gloucester Hospital Emergency Department from an allergic reaction to a tick bite. They also carry some nasty diseases.

North Arm Cove is a hot spot for ticks. Residents should udate their first aid kits to include a freezing spray and some scabies cream. Seek urgent medical treatment if you have an allergic reaction or a rash which extends beyond the immediate bite site.

For more information go to or or upload the PDF below.

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