Dumped asbestos sheeting in the non-urban area - who was responsible for this?

By bobreid, 22 January, 2023

A resident was recently going for a walk along Allandale Crescent north of the village, and went down a bush track towards the waterfront.

The resident was horrified to find a big pile of dumped asbestos sheeting. Most of it had been wrapped in black plastic sheeting, but some of it was loose on the top of the pile. The pile was quite large, it would need to have been transported there by a ute or small truck.

Dumping asbestos is highly illegal, and envrionmental vandalism.

Considering the remote out of the way location, whoever dumped it there must have known of the location. They could have been contractors working in the local area.

If you have any idea who may have dumped it there, please let me know and we will report them to the authorities. 

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