Fame Cove Earthworks

By janiner, 12 December, 2016
Fame Cove vandalism

East Shoreline North Arm Cove

After listening to the heavy equipment on the eastern shore of North Arm Cove we took the opportunity to take a few closer photos from our boat. There is a siltation fence below the main cleared area but there is a lot of fresh earth below the fence, so the fence would not prevent contaminated runoff in heavy rain.

The view from Fame Cove is similiar. There is a fresh road running nearly straight up the hiilside with no siltation controls visible from the water. Any steep road running straight up a hill would be subject to significant erosion during heavy rain.

These earthworks are in addition to the tracks that were excavated several years ago. The old tracks have now grown some grass and are not as noticeable. However, they still break the tree canopy and change the environmental conditions on the site.

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