Fishers will be pleased with sea grass growth

By mpickles, 27 October, 2015

Sea Grasses on the way back

Sea grass beds are slowly making a come back at North Arm Cove after the damage caused by flooding and silt in 2013.

A rare opportunity was had this week with  an extra low tide to capture the small grasses. Sea Grass beds play an important role in providing a habitat and nursery for numerous vertebrates and invertebrate species, some of which have yet to be named. The grass beds are an essential part of the whole ecosystem of the bay, for fish, dolphins, turtles, crabs, shell fish and birds. 

The best way to reduce our impact on the grasses is to avoid treading on them, making sure propellers from boats iare not on when going over beds, better still avoiding the beds altogether when boating.

The sea grasses are slow to grow and can take up to 15 years to properly re-establish, these grasses are just 5 cm long.



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