Glossy Black Cockatoos in Yallarwah Park

By janiner, 4 January, 2024
Pair of Glossy Black Cockatoos

On our evening walk in Yallarwah Park over the last few days we have heard the distinct crunching of casuarina seeds. A pair of glossy black cockatoos have been feeding in the park.  We have also seen the birds along the Ridgeway behind Eastslope Way. That pair were accompanied by a noisy baby demanding food. Glossy black cockatoos are in decline. They are very specialised feeders and the unattractive casuarina trees, also known as she-oaks, are their main source of food. The bush in our area is a wonderful source of food for these birds and the remnant large gums provide nesting hollows. 

Birdlife Australia will be asking citizen scientists to participate in a count of these birds on 1 September, 2024. If you have time for a walk along the bush tracks, please consider participating.

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