Karuah East Quarry Community Consultative Committee - Membership Positions Vacant

By bobreid, 29 July, 2021

Karuah East Quarry is a State Significant Development with an established Community Consultative Committee (CCC).

The purpose of the CCC is to provide a forum for open dialogue between the operators of the quarry and representatives of the local community, stakeholder groups and local Councils.

The CCC are seeking suitable applicant(s) to join the established committee. Applicants will generally live locally and/or are members of community, environment, Aboriginal or Industry stakeholder groups. 

Positions on the CCC are voluntary and you will be expected to:

- contribute constructively to committee discussions;
- communicate information about the KEQ between the committee and the broader community; and
- attend two (2) to four (4) meetings per year.

The role of the committee is advisory with meetings held during normal working hours.

If you would like to apply, download a copy of the relevant nomination form at https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/Assess-and-Regulate/Development-Assessm….

Applications must be lodged by 26 August 2021 and sent to the Independent Chairperson of the CCC, Michael Ulph (GHD) at michael.ulph@ghd.com. Contact Michael on 0458 049 847 for more information.

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