Koalas in the Cove

By bobreid, 7 January, 2025

Over the past few months there have been a number of koala sightings in the Cove - both in the village and in the non-urban area. The most recent one was in the non-urban area just north of the village.

The attached photos show these recent sightings.

In May last year MidCoast Council did a brief detector dog survey of koala scat on some of the Council owned land in the Cove - it found evidence of koala scat in a number of areas, indicating the presence of koalas.

Combining the Council survey, and the recent koala sightings, it is clear that there is an active koala population in our local area.

So what can we do to protect our koala residents - the two main things are:

  • keep dogs restrained or fenced in - wandering dogs are a major threat to koalas
  • be koala aware whilst driving on our roads - especially at dawn, dusk and during the night. Koalas are active in these times and more likely to be crossing a road then.

If you do see a koala, please report the details to the Myall Koala and Environment Group via the following link - reporting koala sightings

If you see an injured or sick koala, or any sick or injured wildlife, please phone Wildlife in Need of Care (WINC) on 1300WINCWL (1300 946 295) 

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