Marine Park Community Webinar

By janiner, 13 January, 2022

A community webinar will be held on Wednesday 19th January at 6-7pm on the draft Management Plan for the NSW Mainland Marine Park Network. Port Stephens is part of the five marine parks covered by this management plan. If you would like to attend the webinar, details are in the letter below. Public consultation on the draft plan closes on 31 January 2022.


Dear marine park stakeholder,

As you may be aware the NSW Government has recently released a draft Management Plan for the NSW Mainland Marine Park Network (2021-2031) to seek stakeholder and community input into the future of the management of our five mainland marine parks along the NSW coast.

A community webinar was held on Tuesday 21 December 2021 to provide information on the draft management plan and support the public consultation process. The webinar provided participants an opportunity to hear about the development of the draft plan and the consultation process, and included an open Q&A session. The slides from this webinar are now published on the website

We received a large number of questions during the first webinar and are currently preparing responses. Responses to questions from the Q&A will soon be published online at the above website.


A second community webinar will be held on Wednesday 19th January at 6-7pm.


The webinar will include the same slides presented in the first webinar including information on:

The development of the draft management plan
The consultation process and how you can submit your comments and feedback
What the next steps are following the consultation
An opportunity to ask questions about the plan and consultation process


To register your interest in attending the webinar please click the link here and register your details. After registration, you will be sent an email with the details for accessing the webinar.


The draft Plan is currently available to view on the consultation website The website includes videos, fact sheets, stakeholder-specific information, and frequently asked questions. Comments on the draft plan can be submitted through the online survey or by uploading written submissions.

Our marine parks are highly valued by stakeholders and the entire community. Your feedback on the draft plan is important to ensure the effective management of marine parks and the role they play in conserving biodiversity as well as providing opportunities for recreational and commercial pursuits, scientific research, livelihoods and culture.

Public consultation on the draft plan closes 31 January 2022.

Kind regards,

Sarah Fairfull | Director, Aboriginal Fishing and Marine and Coastal Environments

NSW Department of Primary Industries | Fisheries

1243 Bruxner Highway | Wollongbar | NSW 2477

T: +61 2 6626 1369 | M: 0419 185 534 | E:


DPI Fisheries acknowledges that it stands on Country which always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land and waters, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging. We are committed to providing places in which Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work.


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