More asbestos dumping! πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜’

By bobreid, 27 December, 2024

Unfortunately, in the last few days two lots of asbestos cement sheeting have been dumped on Gooreengi Rd, just north of the North Arm Cove entrance.

The asbestos is wrapped in black plastic which is partially open so some of the sheeting is exposed. It also contains pieces of lightweight metal sheeting.

There are two separate dumps, each of similar nature, possibly dumped at different times, but most likely by the same person.

The person/people who dumped this asbestos are real grubs, they are wrecking our environment and putting people's health at risk, just to save themselves a few dollars in tip fees. 

They should be prosecuted for their actions with the full force of environmental legislation thrown at them.

If you see anyone dumping waste/building materials/rubbish etc in our area, if possible please get their vehicle rego numbers, or take photos of it happening, and report it to MidCoast Council asap. Even better if you have dash cam footage please save it so it can be provided to Council for use in prosecutions. If you wish to remain anonymous contact NACCAi on and we'll do the reporting for you.

The only way we are going to stop these grubs is to identify them and provide the details to Council for use in legal action.

Filed under

Whoever is doing this dumping must be a local in the surrounding area, it seems to always be the same bags used and always a similar area. 
Once the powerlines had their undergrowth cleared from mill hill to tarean road it has uncovered at least 20 full bags in multiple locations through the long grass. 

To my knowledge these are still there, it’s such a shame that it’s becoming a bigger dumping ground than ever before.