New Structures on Oyster Lease

By janiner, 28 January, 2019

Last autumn most of the derelict posts on OL86/140 were removed. Last week the oyster farmer returned and installed a line of floating cages perpendicular to the shore on the southern part of the lease.

Tony H was out in his tinny and spoke to the oyster farmer. He was told that the oyster farmer intends to start using the lease and that the floating cages will look better than the previous derelict posts. What was not mentioned is that the cages float and that they will be visible all the time, not just on low tide.

At this stage there is only one line of floating cages so much of the lease looks like open water. However, many of the derelict posts are still there just below the water line. It is not safe to drive a boat through the lease except at the flagged channel in the middle. At last week's low tides we counted 7 posts on the southern half of the lease,15 on the northern half of the lease and one broken boundary post near the new structure. 

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