North Arm Cove Wildflower Walk

By mpickles, 2 October, 2015

Alan and Bob finding the way

North Arm Cove Wildflower Walk 6 September 2015 - watch this space for more wildflower pics in the coming weeks

A great walk with 13 North Arm Covers was lead by Bill Mollar around the Bulga Creek area and identified many flowers along the way.

The walk started at the Hall with a few minutes remembering Mel Jackson an active member of the NAC Garden. Mel had was a treasure on the wildflower walks with her knowledge and sense of humour. Unfortunately she passed away in 2013 with kidney cancer leaving her two young children Callum and Darcey. Mel’s mother was pleased that we would be thinking about at this time.

The few pics here are a taster of more to this space

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