Port Stephens EcoNetwork

By bobreid, 8 August, 2021

NACCAi has been an affiliated member of Port Stephens EcoNetwork for some years.

Most of the EcoNetwork goals and initiatives are relevant to North Arm Cove, so we will periodically provide an update on it's activities.

EcoNetwork is a Port Stephens based conservation, sustainability and natural heritage network, with a vision for an eco-oriented culture for sustainable communities and the transfer of intact eco-systems to future generations.

It recently published it's very first issue of the EcoNetwork Port Stephens EcoUpdate β€“ a web based update on ecological issues in Port Stephens, including what hardworking community groups and individuals are up to in and around Port Stephens. EcoUpdate brings a smorgasbord of what’s on, what’s been and what could be.

Click on this link - EcoUpdate August 2021 - to access this very first issue.

If you would like to check out the EcoNetwork website, click on this link - EcoNetwork website.

Both individuals and organisations can be members of EcoNetwork. If you would like to join, click on this link - join EcoNetwork.


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