Tide to Tip Estuary Clean-up, put out your rubbish

By janiner, 14 February, 2021

The Annnual Tide to Tip Estuary Clean-up will be held in our area on Wednesday, 17 February. 

If you have retrieved any waste from the waterway and still have it on site, please leave it visible on the shore. Local oyster farmers (and others) will move through the area at high tide on Wednesday and collect any rubbish they find. If you live near any parks or public land, you can help by piling up any rubbish from these areas as well. If you know of any concentrations of shoreline rubbish outside the village area, please send a screenshot of the location to aquaculture.naccai@gmail.com and I will pass the information on to the organisers.

Ocean Watch and Andy Myers oversee this work and have managed to grow it into a national campaign, with Port Stephens hosting the first official Tide to Tip campaign over three years ago.

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