What is planned for the Karuah Quarry?

By mpickles, 14 May, 2019


The Ironstone Community Action Group (ICAG) Inc. is to hold a public meeting to voice concerns about a new hard rock quarry proposed for Karuah.

VENUE:           Karuah Community Hall, 2 Engel Avenue Karuah

DATE:  Wednesday, 15 May 2019

TIME:   6.15pm (hall to open 5.00pm for document perusal)

ICAG is concerned about discharge of sediment laden water into Yalimbah Creek, which flows into the Karuah River, and its affect on mangroves and water quality in Port Stephens where there are oyster leases.

It is also concerned about destruction of wildlife habitat, including koala habitat on the 9ha extraction area, and about noise, dust and truck movements.

The applicant for Karuah South Quarry, Wedgerock Pty Ltd, proposes to produce up to 600,000 tonnes of aggregates per annum.


ICAG wants the project rejected, but if it is approved, that β€˜dirty water’ be contained on properties and not discharged, as a condition of consent.

Objections to the development application number SSD-8795 must be made to the Department of Planning by 5.00pm Tuesday, 21 May. For information on the EIS, visit https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/9901

EcoNetwork would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend the public meeting.




EcoNetwork-Port Stephens Inc.
0423 024819


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