Whats in our backyard?

By mpickles, 2 September, 2015

habitats for wildlife

The local Land for Wildlife group with Great Lakes Council and North Arm Cove Community Garden have organised a workshop for the community on what is our backyard. 

9:30 - 1:00 PM Saturday 24 October 2015 starting at the community hall.Matthew Bell senior ecologist from Great Lakes Council will be the main speaker and will answer questions from the audience.

Residents of the Cove and surrouonds enjoy the natural environment and wildlife and would like increase thier knowledge of animals that live in the area and how we can protect thier habitat.

Matt will take us journey about the main habitats in the North Arm Cove area
that support wildlife and how we can protect these areas for the future. 
Matt will use the area as an example of how people can interact with their local environment and protect species in competitive times. 
The workshop will start in the hall and then we will visit sites in the Cove where we can see evidence of the diversity of flora and fauna. 

Ideal for children and adults of all ages. Walking is easy.

Cost is $5.00 per person or $10 per family to cover costs.

Bring hat, sunscreen, water bottle, something to take notes, camera, and questions.

Book by email – mariacpickles@hotmail.com or phone Philippa Coltart 0249973117

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