Being Fire-Safe this Christmas!

By dougk, 16 December, 2019

Ian Cook writes ...

I have been keeping a close eye on the Cove during the past couple of months. The hot dry conditions have provided the perfect environment for bush fire with many communities being affected.

With the festive season upon us bringing family, friends and holiday makers in to the community, it is important that we stay vigilant and aware of our surrounds.

It is important that we take the time to discuss with family and friends the risk of bush fire, and what your bush fire plan actions are, what will you do if a bush fire threatens, or one starts close by. These important conversations could very well save your life and those of your family and friends. For those that will have grandchildren visiting it is equally important that you discuss the risk with them as well.  Most are likely to be able to assist with monitoring social media and even the Fires Near Me App, and which can help install the importance of being prepared at a young age.

Fires can pose incredible danger for those not prepared or unaware  of their surroundings. We need to take responsibility and help prepare our family and friends in the event bush fire threatens. I would encourage  everyone to take the time and talk about the risk, it is much safer being prepared, than not!

Keeping yourself informed of current Fire Danger Ratings and current fire information can be achieved by down loading the Fires Near Me App, or by visiting the NSW Rural Fire Service website. Having current information will help you make informed decisions on what you should or may need to do.

I would like to reiterate and encourage everyone to be vigilant and that if you see a fire or smell smoke not to be complacent. All fires need to be reported by calling 000 (Triple 0). This will ensure a quick and timely response.

Finally  I would like to  wish the Cove community a safe and Merry Christmas and New Year.

Inspector Ian Cook | Community Protection Planner | Planning & Environment Services (North)



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