Community Protection Plan - February update

By dougk, 20 February, 2015

Ian Cook's Corner!

Despite locating a massive bull-ants nest in the least preferable way and stumbling upon a colony of the Cove's largest snakes, Ian Cook has made significant progress over the past three months in the development of a village protection plan for the Cove.

Check out Ian's report below to see the proposals for: a Neighbourhood Safer Place at the the Community Hall; protection of the telephone hub; rejuvenation of the fire trails and the possible linking of the two ends of The Esplanade.

We are reminded that we all need our own up-to-date Bush Fire Protection Plans and that a Neighbourhood Safer Place is really only a Place of Last Resort. In heavy smoke and flying embers the Hall may not be safe to reach and it too may come under attack. The safest option will always be to leave early.


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