How Fireproof Is Your Plan?

By dougk, 24 October, 2018

Inspector Ian Cook writes ...
I would encourage residents to put some time aside and look at:
How Fireproof Is Your Plan.
This is an interactive tool that can provide you with important information. It must be remembered that the only way we can make an informed decision is by having the right information.

I like to use a simple analogy when talking about plans,  the majority of us make a list of the groceries we need at the shop prior to leaving home, this allows us to make an informed decision on what we need to get. For those of us that like to fly by the seat of the pants and come home with a boot full of stuff  we did not require, we risk the consequences. Needless to say, to come home minus the milk can produce unwanted consequences, not to mention black coffee!

To add to this analogy, while choosing our groceries we take the time to choose what  will best suit our needs, we check the apples are not bruised, that the broccoli is not yellow, we tend to ensure what we are going to purchase will serve the purpose. Yet, the question must be asked, why don’t we put the same effort in to making a plan on what we will do in the event of a bush fire, or for that matter any natural disaster. Definitely worth a thought…………..Why risk not having a plan…………………

To help with information we can also download the  firesnearme app
or save the following link to your favourites:

Knowing what is going on around you is great for situational awareness, this can allow you to start putting into action your plan if the need may arise.
Knowing your Alert Levels is also extremely useful. Alert Levels are used to give you an indication of the level of threat from a fire.

I would encourage everyone to make yourself familiar with the different Alert Levels so you know what action you need to take if you receive an alert. Failure to take action can result in death or injury to you or your family members. Go to: 
These icons will appear on the fire near me map and will provide important information to you.

Inspector Ian Cook | Community Protection Planner | Planning & Environment Services (North)
Suite 1 / 129 West High Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

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