Protection Plan Update

By dougk, 20 February, 2018

   Ian Cook writes:

Further mitigation through hazard reduction burning is being planned in an area west of the Community Hall on private land. As always, seeking approval from the multitude of private land managers ( owners ) is proving challenging. Kirsty has been doing a colossal job with issuing letters to owners.

I thought it would also be worth  a mention that at present there are 43 Bush & Grass fires burning across the state, 2 Section 44 Declarations are in place for the Singleton/part Muswellbrook/part Cessnock LGA's  as well as in Narrabri / Gwydir LGA's. Some 429 fire fighters are deployed with 171 appliances, and supported by some 35 aircraft.

Giving the current and recent hot weather I would also like to reiterate how important it is for the community to be prepared for bush fire. Working together as a community can have significant benefits towards building resilience. Having a plan developed well in advance can save lives. Complacency is just one factor that can have devastating effects as is poor decision making prior to, during and after a bush fire. Having a well prepared plan can provide plenty of benefits.

As well as having a plan, there are a multitude of things that can help you survive and be prepared for a bush fire. Obviously leaving early is high on the list, and communicating this decision to family is equally important. Knowing what the Fire Danger Ratings are, ensuring that your mobile phone is charged, that you have  a portable radio to listen to for fire updates and important information in the event power is lost. That you have identified back up options, and importantly that you have taken into account the health, age and fitness levels of those in the home, and communicated and discussed with every member of the household what your plans are in the event of a bush fire.

Knowing the location of the home in the environment, the location of vegetation, and if the home is defendable is also an important step, as well as having the home and surrounds prepared prior to the fire season. There are many things that you as an individual, a household and as  a community can do to be prepared for bush fire.

Have you considered any of these actions?

Go to the following link and spend a little time reading about what you can do to help be prepared for a bush fire:

Kind regards

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