Protection Plan Update

By dougk, 27 July, 2021

Our Community Protection Planning Coordinator, Inspector Ian Cook, writes ...

Currently I am in the process of reviewing North Arm Cove's Community Protection Plan, and attempting to begin producing a new set of maps (which will include new maps for the Interpretive sign at the hall).

It is important to show the progress that has made towards increasing preparedness of the community.

I note all of the identified Asset Protection Zones are either in place, or nearly complete, with treatment schedules in place.

Over 90% of the Strategic Fire Advantage Zone (SFAZ) has now been treated, which means that we can look at developing strategies to start reintroducing fire back into the landscape, using mosaic burning practices in areas where fire thresholds allow.

SFAZ’s aim - To provide strategic areas of fire protection advantage which reduce the speed and intensity of bush fires and reduce the potential for spot fire development, and to aid containment of wildfires to existing management boundaries.

The objectives / outcomes aim to Improve the likelihood and safe use of Parallel Attack suppression strategies during low to moderate fire weather conditions, and/or Indirect Attack ( back burning)  during high to very high fire weather conditions when necessary. Importantly, to also reduce the likelihood of Crown fire development within the zones, and Spot fire ignition potential from the zone.

What this means is that we aim to maintain fuel loads in forest areas at or below high. This in turn helps reduce ember attack from available forest fuels, reduce spot fire activity occurring in the community, and reducing the ability of a Crown fire to establish and travel in to the community during a bush fire.

Strategic Fire Advantage Zones also play a role in providing important support for Asset Protection Zones (APZ’s).

While reducing available forest fuel and maintain APZ’s play an important component of preparing a community for bush fire, individual preparedness activities play a far greater role. Having our home well maintained and prepared is important, as is having a Bush Fire Survival Plan.

Covid-19 has made it extremely difficult to get out and about with communities, so I have put together the attached document to provoke thought, discussion with family, friends and neighbours and self-actuation.

By working together we can increase a communities ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disaster events.

I hope that you find the information informative and helpful, and of course, you can obtain further information from your local Brigade, Mid Coast RFS District Office (Taree), or by contacting myself.

Kindest regards

Inspector Ian Cook | Community Protection Planning Coordinator | Planning & Environment Services (North)
51 Moonee Street Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
PO Box 652 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
P: 02 66 91 0400 

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