Update on Protection Plan Issues

By dougk, 27 October, 2014

Attached to this article is a listing of issues that were raised during Ian Cook's meetings with the various groups and residents of North Arm Cove. Ian has gone through each of the issues and looked at options available for research and then listed recommended actions for each consideration. Ian hopes that the community will agree that this process will allows a thorough and non prejudicial approach.

Ian would like to encourage the community to take the time to read through the issues and identified actions, and if they would like to provide any feedback to please email Ian at Ian.Cook@rfs.nsw.gov.au, or by phone on 02 910400.

It is Ian's intention to be back in North Arm Cove during the first week in November collecting fuel loading samples from surrounding vegetation, as well as looking into potential hazard reduction treatments for the Cove.  He will also be meeting with the North Arm Cove brigade Captain and looking at potential fire trails and works the brigade has identified.

While Ian may not have too much time spare this trip, he can allocate time on the Thursday if any resident would like to meet with him. Do let him know if you would like a meeting.

Issues Spreadsheet.pdf

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