Deposits on containers? Have your say.

By dougk, 6 February, 2016

Before the last state election Premier Baird promised, if re-elected, to implement a Container Deposit Scheme by 1 July 2017. Those who help out on "Clean-up" day know all too well the extent of cans and bottles that line the sides of our roads, A discussion paper on this topic has been prepared for the Government. It outlines two possible models to address this problem. If you wish to make a response to the proposals you should do so by the 26th February. The discussion paper and response form are available at

The government wishes to implement a scheme that:

  •  is cost efficient
  •  gives people an incentive to return their drink containers
  •  targets drink containers used away from home
  •  complements, rather than competing with, existing kerbside services
  •  uses modern technology such as reverse vending machines where appropriate.


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