Local King of Steam

By tonyh, 10 February, 2012

The SL Karuah

Thomas Savery, a military engineer, patented the first steam engine in 1698. The principle of harnessing steam power developed rapidly and James Watt patented a much improved engine in 1769 which became the concept employed for rail and boat power. This was followed shortly after by an American engineer, John Fitch, who started trials on the Delaware River with a 45' steamboat in 1787. Steam drove machinery of all kinds for 150 years, until the superior efficiency and better power to weight ratio offered by internal combustion engines saw their demise for general use. However, there remains an ongoing interest in steam amongst enthusiasts and even new technologists. A US company is well down the path in the development of a steam plant for vehicle propulsion called the Cyclone Mark 5.

Meanwhile our local expert and enthusiast, Tony King, doesn't go quite back to the eighteenth century, but he lives the early romance of steam boats and has built his own, the 1.5 hp SL Karuah. He accepted an invitation to take his boat to Newcastle harbour for Australia Day. He was joined by Brian Jones from Smith's Lake in the SL Lady Evangaline. They cruised together around the harbour between the official boat races and an admiring crowd.

Drop in to see Tony sometime and I'm sure he'll tell you how to go about building your own!



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