â–º tonyh's blog contributions
The letter from Transport NSW below was sent to me before Christmas. I think it likely that every non-commercial swing mooring owner in Port Stephens, and possibly all of NSW...
(1 comment)Late last week we received a message from the MidCoast Council that is has been successful in its latest case against Tea Garden Farms Pty Ltd. This concerns the land...
Saturday saw the very successful introduction of Pickleball to the village. Around 18 curious locals turned up to the tennis court to take instruction from Judy Montgomery from Myall Park...
This may be a bad year for snakes. The picture, taken yesterday, shows a dead tiger snake (clearly run over) at the junction of Water Street and Cove B. A...
(1 comment)Strange things happen in the wee hours. I bumped into a long-term NAC resident a week or so back and, in the conversation, he got out his phone and showed...
Have you noticed? Everyone in a job today has a grand title - Vice-President, General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Director, Executive Manager. Sometimes even the ‘real’ people (those that do...
This first image was created on a harmonograph (second picture) which I built mainly out of bits and pieces in my garage. Fascinating to watch the device as the image...
I ordered a book from Amazon Australia on April 22nd for a May 4th birthday present. It was received by Australia Post for shipping on April 28th with an expected...
(1 comment)In recent days we have been made aware of new developments concerning Mr Philip Dong Fang Lee – the owner of the Fame Cove property - and his wife, Xiaobei...
NAC in the spotlight yet again. Mr Philip Dong Fang Lee, our famed Fame Cove neighbour, grabs the headlines:… And Daniel Johns, Silverchair frontman, adds to the excitement:…...
There is evidence of what I think are deceptive, and possibly illegal, trade practices being conducted by Australian internet retailers. They are advertising for the sale of goods with delivery...
Gardening this week. A risky pursuit I try to avoid at the best of times. Bitten by some cowardly little bastard thing hiding in the grass. The doctor thinks it...
For your information, the wait period for a covid booster shot has been reduced from 6 months to 5 months. See:… A Christmas bonus maybe for some who are...
I expect that many people in our village will have watched the ABC For Corners program broadcast on November 8 which reported on the proposed $100-million development for at least...
(1 comment)This article from Len Yearsley For your information, below is a letter sent to Hon Matt Kean, Treasurer and Minister for Environment and Energy, on behalf of our Sub Committee...
Chanel 9 investigative reporter Josh Bavas spent 2 hours on Tuesday with NACCAi's Fame Cove Action Group team leader Len Yearsley in preparation for a Current Affair report on Fame...
Readers of this website will know that a small action group of local residents has, for some 15 years, been watching the steady environmental desecration of the 400-hectare farmland holding...
(1 comment)We have been warned by the MCC to expect loud noises coming from the Fame Cove property next week. This could go on for some time and is part of...
Some more information for boaties and roadies in an attempt to clarify the Hunter lockdown situation from Len Yearsley. Len was advised by Charlie Dunkley, Waterways boating officer, that access...
The current situation with the lockdown on our border has caused us some confusion. It used to be, and I think still is, that self-isolation is only required if you...
From Len Yearsley, Chairman, Fame Cove Sub Committee, NACCAi The NACCAi sub- committee met (2/8/2021) early this week. Midcoast Council officers Adam Matlawski, the Major Assessment & Regulatory Services Manager...
The Tennis Club committee held a meeting last Thursday to discuss and resolve a few issues in preparation for the new financial year: The AGM will be held on August...
I wrote some notes on land valuation in an article on this site in June last year - . At that time, the Valuer General was busy concluding the...
(1 comment)We can imagine that early settlers came to the Cove and loved its isolation and back-to-nature character. We have heard that some later packed their bags when the streets were...
For those of you who missed last night's Current Affair broadcast, this link is for you:… Tony Hann
A question was asked at Saturday’s residents’ meeting as to why NACCAi is involved in the developments at Fame Cove if they really have nothing to do with us and...
The NAC Tennis Club AGM will be held under the Hall shelter at 3:00 pm this Saturday, Aug 22nd. If you are at all interested in playing tennis at any...
Fourteen club members attended a tennis meeting held at the court last Saturday. Some of the main points of discussion were: Play - continues to be permitted under strict COVID...
Some notes on land valuation: The council prepares its budget, then theoretically calculates the return from rates it requires to fulfil that budget. It spreads the rate charges out in...
(1 comment)The MidCoast Council has given us the authority to reopen the tennis court using the Covid-19 guidelines set by Tennis NSW. This means we can now accept bookings for club...
In the thirty years since the Internet arrived in Australia, it has moved from being a communications tool for Universities to becoming an integral part of daily life for most...
(1 comment)The Council issued the attached statement today. This instruction includes the use of the community tennis court. Tony Hann
The proprietor, Jenny Webb, has asked us to note that she has been obliged to change her hours of service. The Post Office will be open from 9 am to...
I have just listened on the ABC to a dozen or more medical people - nurses, doctors, specialists - plead with us to stay at home. They are in the...