MidCoast Mayor and Deputy chosen

By dougk, 28 September, 2017

In a something of a surprise, at the first meeting of the new Council held yesterday (27 September), David West of Brimbin was elected Mayor and Katheryn Smith of Gloucester, Deputy Mayor. These two Councillors were two of the last three Councillors elected following the 9 September election - both without achieving a quota. David West had been Deputy Mayor of Greater Taree prior to the merger and Katheryn Smith Deputy Mayor of Gloucester.

Probably the most disappointing aspect of the meeting was the adoption of the meeting schedule to apply until next February. It reinforces the idea that the focus of the Council is the northern part of the Council area. Under the administrator, the Council meetings did at least move between Taree, Forster and Gloucester (even though each location is at least 80 minutes drive for the Cove, Bundabah, Pindimar, Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest). Under the following schedule approved yesterday, all ordinary council meetings will be held in Taree with Strategic meetings in Forster.

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