This afternoon, August 30th, it may officially be still winter but North Arm Cove is basking in a 31 degree day. There's a worrying smell of smoke and Hazards Near Me pops up with an alarming alert: "Fire in Gooreengi Road!". That is not good news! And the wind is from the nor' nor' west. Fortunately the wonderful RFS people soon stop that fire spreading. So that's all okay for now - but it's a timely warning.
This time of year used to be good for hazard burns. Yet today, up and down the NSW coast, there are already many bushfires burning.
Last fire season was a bit of a washout. Lot's of rain. Too much rain. We have been drenched this year with from 1.3 to 1.5 metres of rain. That's helped keep our water tanks full which is good. The fuel load out in the adjacent bushland though is greater than ever. More hot days like today and that will leave us vulnerable.
If you haven't dusted off your Bushfire Protection Plan and cleared around your house, now's the time! We've been warned.