Packed Quarry Meeting calls for DA Rejection

By dougk, 18 June, 2017

It was standing room only at the Community Centre yesterday (Saturday 17 June) for a Public Meeting to discuss the implications of the DA proposal for a private quarry at Bundabah. Well in excess of a hundred people from the Cove, Bundabah, Pindimar and further afield listened intently to a detailed presentation of the history of the site and the very concerning discrepancies between the content of the DA proposal and the known facts.

After an extensive Q&A-and-comments session, a sea of hands showed overwhelming support for a motion that this meeting calls upon Council to reject Development Application 269/2017 due to the damage it would do to both the surrounding natural environment and the quality of life in nearby villages.

The presentation, by Len Yearsley and Tony Hann of the Fame Cove Subcommittee, drew upon extensive research both by members of that committee and other local experts. It was enthusiastically applauded by an appreciative audience.

Local MP Kate Washington spoke forcefully in support of those who have chosen to live in this beautiful and peaceful part of the world, saying that residents concerns were well-founded. Also in attendance was Brett Peterkin who has just been appointed to the company LDF, owner of the Quarry/Fame Cove site. Brett said that he had heard the sentiments of the meeting "loud and clear" and would take this input back to the company.

Residents are most strongly urged to respond personally to the DA:
Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online using the form at the bottom of the webpage:
By emailing:
By mail, addressed to The Interim General Manager, MidCoast Council, Breese Parade, Forster NSW 2428.

Make sure to include the following submit code when making your submission:
Submit Code: DA269/2017

And remember to provide full return address and telephone number when making a submission.

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