Radio NAC wows its audience

By dougk, 18 October, 2015
The Myall Coast Entertainers cast thanking the crew

Locals tune in

Radio NAC hit the soundwaves on Saturday (17 October) "local-casting" two radio plays to an enthusiastic audience. If you weren't at the Community Hall to tune in, then you missed an excellent (and hilarious) afternoon of entertainment.

The Myall Coast EntertainElizabeth Deane as a 5 year old boyers became a travelling troupe, traipsing out to our Cove to deliver a matinee performance of their latest production - two radio plays - He Said and She Said and The Misused Mill Girl. Under the directorship of our own Elizabeth Deane (a.k.a. Elizabeth Hall) the cast of each play enthralled the audience. Villains were enthusiastically booed and hissed and there sighs of sympathy for those so malevolently misused.

The program notes told us that last year was Elizabeth's swan song for being on the stage. No need to learn any lines, she said. But Elizabeth did appear on stage giving a side-splitting impersonation of a five-year-old boy. But she did only have a single word of dialogue to learn!

Maureen Kelly was a suitably warm-hearted Cousin Lillian. Bryan Stevenson cleverly transformed from a love-struck husband to a wounded soldier. Indeed the entire cast of both plays - and the support crew - did a fabulous job - but I think the menacing facial expression from Potter, the Malevolent Manservant (played by Phil Hoare) will give me nightmares for weeks.

If you missed this year's performance, make sure that you get your tickets early the next time Myall Coast Entertainers perform in the Cove.




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