By tonyh, 26 April, 2013

Victims of Merciless Assault

On the night of April 25th, five crocs were mercilessly dragged from their sleeping quarters on the verandas of their home in Cove Boulevard.

All crocs showed evidence of a ferocious chewing attack.  All were elderly and all were defenceless. Sadly one croc from each of the Grey and Green families has had to be put down.

A Green family croc and several pairs of leather shoes and boots were spared the onslaught, although one of the leather shoes was dragged four metres into the garden. It was not molested further.

The police say all evidence points to a small hairy offender with needle sharp teeth and a penchant for old smelly plastic footware. They are waiting to interview the survivors who are still in shock. At this stage there are no suspects and the police are calling for witnesses.

Meanwhile, the community is advised to bring all crocs in at night until the perpetrator is caught.

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