Website nearing completion

By dougk, 19 November, 2011

The North Arm Cove website is moving into its final stages of development now. Much of the infrastructure necessary to support editors of the various North Arm Cove groups has already been put in place and it is probably time to ask those editors to beginning formulating their initial articles for the site.

The home page itself is dynamic with information such as weather being updated on an hourly basis. New forum topics and comments and updates to articles are also recorded on the front page. Some things are only visible if there is information that applies. For example, across the top of the main content alerts will be shown if there is a recent accident on the F3 or a Bureau of Metereology weather warning for our area. On the left will be displayed Rural Fire Service reports on fires in our Council District.

All this infrastructure is however just a start. The real website action begins when our whole community gets involved!

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